Kickstart a positive, sustainable relationship with nutrition that transforms your mindset and fuels your workouts, leaving you empowered + energized

Your personal wellness guide + support, Hillary!

I’m a registered dietitian whose committed to liberating you from food fears and guiding you on a transformative journey toward a positive, sustainable relationship with nutrition. Join me in embracing authenticity, relatability, and a holistic approach to well-being – because here, it's not just about diets; it's about a lifelong adventure of empowerment, understanding, and enjoying the incredible uniqueness of your wellness journey. Let's unlock a healthier, happier you together!

Ready to feel unstoppable?

Nourishing your body with the right foods will empower you to feel stronger during your workouts.

Personalized nutrition coaching + counselling to help you feel like your best self.

Welcome to Nutrition Unbound, where personalized 1-1 nutrition coaching and counselling await to help you become your best self. Crafted for diverse lifestyles, our sessions provide targeted support, backed by my dual degree in Nutrition Sciences and Dietetics, alongside certifications in personal training and health mindset coaching. I'm here to empower you through realistic, sustainable practices, promoting a healthy relationship with food that transcends restrictive diets.

Dismantle food fears and embrace intuitive eating as we work towards transformative results in gym performance, strength, and recovery. At Nutrition Unbound, your unique journey is at the core of our approach. Ready to start your wellness transformation? Book a discovery call and let's unlock your path to feeling your best.

  • I have grown (and shrunk) in so many ways! My life is always evolving with two little ones running around. I have been transitioning back to my teaching job. Hillary hasn’t only supported me with my nutrition, but with how to make sure I am looking after myself, without the guilt, so I can adapt and thrive no matter what life throws at me.

  • Successful competition with a total of 175kg – an all-time best for me! My weight cut with you was seriously the easiest and most effective thing. I’ve done 10+ weight cuts by myself and always left myself drained and starving.

  • I’ve gained confidence in my appearance and my ability to reach goals that felt unattainable before. To achieve goals, you have to have a plan and stick to it (but you don’t have to be perfect). Having a coach to help you create a plan, hold you accountable, and give you opportunities to self-reflect makes the process so much easier. I’ve gained a new perspective on life and a new friend.

  • I really feel very good about my approach and relationship with food and the fact that it shows so much in the stressful and busy times with the foods that used to be “tempting” all around is so freaking cool.

  • I am feeling so much better in the gym & in my workouts. I have been using the nutrient-timing strategies for pre/post/intra and have been feeling so much better. I’m not hitting that mid-workout slump.

If you’re ready for your own personal cheerleader (spoiler: it's me!) who also happens to be a registered dietitian, then let’s create a personalized nutrition coaching plan that's all about making wellness realistic & sustainable for you.

no dull, one-size-fits-all approaches here!

follow me on instagram

